About Us

FROLIC is on the mission to make queer joy easy to find in Boston and beyond.

We curate events that are fun, safe, and accessible. Our focus is on uplifting the QTPOC community, though allies and advocates are welcome to also experience the magic.

Find your tribe, live your truth, and feel the joy of FROLIC.

Our Story

FROLIC started in 2016 as a grassroots organization called Men of Melanin Magic.

While the original focus of MoMM was to build community amongst queer men of color, over the years as the group responded to more community needs, its reach and appeal grew to a wider queer audience. Such dynamic growth resulted in a renaissance of curated events and programming that have shifted the cultural landscape of queer life in Boston. 

However what became clear is that the name of the organization no longer matched its increasingly expansive mission. Little did we know that the answer was right in front of us –– a word that uniquely encapsulates liberation, a carefree vibe, so much joy, and just so happens to be the name of our annual hallmark event –– FROLIC.

As all roads lead to Frolic Weekend, showcasing elements of the events and experiences we currently produce, it made sense to rebrand as such. With a name that better aligns with our mission and our audience, we believe that we are even more positioned to continue making a positive impact.

Our Team


Co-Founder & CEO


Co-Founder & CFO


Director of Operations


Director of Production


Director of Community & Strategy
Resident DJ


Manager of Drag Tease


Social Media Manager Asst. Manager of Drag Tease


Asst. Manager of Drag Tease


Photographer & Videographer
Social Media Manager

